Cool Block Program
Join the Cool Block Program and be part of a movement transforming Orange County into a climate-resilient, planet-friendly, and thriving community. By taking simple, actionable steps, we can reduce carbon emissions, prepare for extreme weather events, and build stronger, more resilient communities. Whether you want to join a team or lead as a Block Leader, this program empowers you to create meaningful change while building a stronger, greener future for everyone. Let’s make every block a Cool Block!
actionable steps.
Through a variety of challenges and tasks, with a reward system we can each contribute to our goal of building a resilient Orange County.
Our platform makes it easy to track your goals and promotes more sustainable living.
Interested in Being a Cool Block Leader?
We’re excited to launch the Cool Block program in Fullerton and Buena Park this January in addition to existing programs in Irvine!
If you’re interested in joining or want to stay updated, fill out the form below or email us at to get notified.
Together, let’s build a more sustainable community!
Sign Up To Join Our Next Cohort of Block Leaders
Cool Block Leaders- it's time to make it official!
When picking your start time, please note that the program is meant to last about 4 months, with your block meeting twice a month for a total of nine times. If your team gets delayed a few weeks with vacation breaks, etc., no problem. We are flexible and our Program Managers will be there to help you along the way.
Please take 2 minutes to complete the form below to reserve your spot.